Local Internet Marketing | (949) Local Internet Marketing, Orange County, CA

Case Study

The Folding Door Store

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

The Folding Door Store

The Folding Door Store has two locations in southern California.  Although they sell many types of doors, their aim was to sell more folding doors.  And those aren’t cheap.

Their primary marketing vehicle was four color ads in local home improvement magazines.  The problem was not just an insufficient quantity of leads, but also the quality of those leads.  The magazines were distributed across a wide demographic and geographic area.  As a result, they received inquiries from people that loved the concept of a folding patio door.  Until they found out how much they cost.

Value Added

(949) Local created a Search Engine Marketing campaign using Google Ads.  We targeted the most affluent communities in their market area and the top income earners in those areas.  We employed hundreds of keywords to trigger the ads and created dozens of ads that were tightly themed to them and the content of the pages on their website where we directed the clicks to go.

The Result

A 600% monthly return on investment (ROI).  Revenues and profits have increased so much that they are now looking to open additional stores in southern California.  And the owner of the business can now envision a retirement one day, something he did not think would be possible before.

contact us

Whether your goals are expanding your business or funding a comfortable retirement eventually, talk with (949) Local about how we can help you realize your dreams.

client feedback

“We were spending a small fortune each month on expensive print ads in local home magazines.  And not reaching our target market effectively.  The ad campaign created by (949) Local delivered just the type of customer we want and in just the locations they live in.  By far and away the best marketing investment we have ever made!”

Brad Kinder, Owner
The Folding Door Store

The importance of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing has become the cornerstone for businesses large and small in attracting new customers.  It has in fact replaced many of the previous “go to” media of the past.  Or haven’t you noticed your daily newspaper getting thinner and thinner, if you even get a newspaper any longer.  And when was the last time you used the Yellow Pages?

Internet marketing however, is not for amateurs.  A well conceived and executed marketing strategy can be the most cost effective promotional tool that you have ever had.  A poor one will just suck your marketing budget while failing to attract the customers you need for your business to succeed.

The marketing professionals at (949) Local have been helping local businesses realize their full online potential since 2009.  Our clients enjoy high visibility in local search results through our extensive experience in Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  As a Google Ads Certified Partner, we develop online advertising campaigns that provide a return on investment that is unrivaled.

Our powerful online reputation management program helps you get more Five Star reviews.  And those reviews are valuable as they relate directly to more new customers and sales.  A recent survey of consumers found that only 48% of consumers would consider using a business with fewer than a four star review rating.

It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words.  Recent trends indicate that video is worth much, much more.  (949) Local can take your static photo images and turn them into a compelling video complete with music, voiceover and graphics.  And at a cost you won’t believe, but you will come to.

talk with us for your project

Count on (949) Local to put your best foot forward onto the digital marketing landscape.

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